Client: Private
About Stina
She has acted in more than forty film features, played in over forty television productions and have been on stage in equal numbers, Stina Ekblad is one of Sweden’s most active and strong actresses. The Royal Dramatic Theatre has employed her for years, known for her personal and intense style of play. From a personal point of view, Stina has always “been around”. She is a Swedish-speaking Finnish actress with a very characteristic voice. You do not need to see her; it is enough to hear her voice pinpoint her.
About the photo shoot
My original idea behind this photograph was to show Stina’s statuesque posture. To me, she has always been like a redwood tree, albeit much shorter, but with her feet/roots firmly attached to the ground. But as it often happens, things happen on a shoot that you can not imagine. In this case, Stina approach the set wearing her specs, and I grabbed the chance to use them as a prop. You very seldom see her with her specs on anyway.