Mr Johansson is a Swedish photographer born 1945 and lives in south of Sweden – Hoganas. He is a keen analogue photographer and relies on his old Hasselblad or Rolliflex, developing and do all the printing himself. Through the years he has developed a very specific style. “The photographer Gerry Johansson has long been interested in localities he discovers through photographs; specific settings portrayed by others. Images by photographers such as Walker Evans, Robert Frank and Carl Gustaf Rosenberg have fascinated him and aroused his curiosity. What did the photographers from these images omit? In his own photographs Johansson investigates the environments documented and the history of the original images, attempting to extend these stories in time and space”. /Excerpt from Moderna Museet (the Museum of Modern Art), Stockholm.
Portrait was taken at the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm when Mr Johansson was preparing for his latest exhibition “Moment”.